Wednesday, March 26, 2008

will you be so close?

You are invited to the opening of "Will you be I so close" exhibition!
It will be on 4th April 2008, Friday from 7 -9pm with wine all night long.
more details

when art meets U & ME

[wonder what's this for? check out my next entry]

the exhibition posters are pasted everywhere in school!

all about love

we were over at the art design school when we spotted this!
cant resist the chance to play with someone else's artwork!

relation art?


sticky vinyl tape + paper = wonders!

a gift for siti :)
have fun and may this be a wonderful experience!

goodie-licious friday!

going for adoption!

for my lovelies
(if u are wondering what is the polka dotted apple for, come down to our exhibition to find out!)



yakun is like my new mc donalds!
she, my bro and i love yakun toasts!
*yum yum*

finally! i manage to squeeze sometime out to blog about the happiest day of last week!
its goodie friday!
shopping + munching + more shopping!
(thought we both only got like a skirt and kai got another top in the end)
but... its a good day out!
a day with all school works OUT!