Jing's farewell steamboat party...

venue: Pei's place...
Present: fabian, chonglong, chubang, jing, pei and me
Jing, leaving for exchange at shanghai in 2 weeks time...:(
oh yah, brought the pictures from the sydney trip for them to see! and guess what?
you recieve compliments lor... chonglong say you are good looking. photogenic.
(i was about to say, the person look even better then in picture... haa)

on my journey to pei's for steamboat with the gang...
@ kai's place...
fatty fang!

playing with sage & fang! ( @ kai's place)

It never feels good when your love one is leaving... (kai is sad...)

The journey to the airport... how i wish it was actually november 17.
I was imagining my reaction when i see you again. When i walk to the arrivals, waiting for you eagerly. waiting for your return...
However, when i was with kai and elgin, i suddenly felt sadness... its never good to watch your love one leaving. suddenly, i just feel the urge to tell you that i miss you so much, so much. how much i hope to see you again..... :(