Thursday, February 14, 2008

my lovely valentine

" A dancer performs the physical score of the choreographer, like a musician playing the composer's score. But the performance is an alchemy of hopes, dreams, love, loss, joy, anger, jealousy, longing. Through the score of the dance, you also see the soul of the dancer..."

- Tan Ngiap Heng -

poems were everywhere!
even on the pillars !

my lovely valentine :)

i simply cant get enough of the art house!
love the place :)

"my dance images are the labour of my first love,
abetted by the mistress of my destiny..."
- Tan Ngiap Heng-

[for those who are fond of photography, u will definately love this!!!
i love the artistic directions and the way he capture movements and the interaction between one's body and the art form - dance! absolutely lovely!!! ]

they are currently showing interesting fabric works along the corridor at lvl one of art house!

still searching for the artisit ...

who is the mystery person who did them all???


thanks to all my lovely friends :)

from me to her

from her to me :)

ham : cheese : cabage : egg : = yummy!

thanks darling for the lovely treats!!!:)

when u love someone, u just want her to have a hearty meal and great health!

interacting with my environment (snapshots)

u scream, i scream, we all scream for ice cream!!!

nie is filled with interesting friends! below are some snapshots of them :) grass hopper



baby snail

monday's date

us :)


huda & radiana

me & my lovely roomie!

auction for maids!

it was sort of a roomie party with the gals. we have dorothy, me, huda, siti and radiana join us too! yummy dinner!
but most of all, a great get together!
can u believe it? my roomie and i seldom have dinner together??
we are both so busy! but thank god, we have monday :)